Solo FreeStyle Canoe Clinic

August 9, 2025

Lake Atwood, The Hollows Conservation Area, 3804 US-14, Cary, IL

Learn to handle the twists and turns of a narrow river, make headway on a windy day, or get positioned for that perfect photo; these practical situations can be handled more confidently and efficiently with some “style”. FreeStyle is that “style”.  FreeStyle canoeing requires no special equipment: just a canoe, a straight-shaft paddle, a life jacket (PFD), and for most folks, a kneeling pad.  Prerequisite to this class is the ability to make your solo canoe travel in a straight line.  This class will be structured to accommodate both Introductory FreeStyle technique for the solo canoeist, and people who have had some FreeStyle instruction and would like to pursue more skills. Bring your own solo canoe, PFD, paddle, and kneeling pad if you have one.  Cost of the Clinic is $55.  For more info: Tracy Hunt: or Paul Klonowski:   

Download maps of the site: Day Clinic Maps