Solo FreeStyle Canoeing
Tom MacKenzie, of the Loon Works, was a long-time master builder of modern high performance canoes, and a paddler of extraordinary skill, knowledge, and innovation – a teacher, mentor, and friend to many in the paddling community.
The paddlers represented here demonstrate and explain how to execute basic and advanced FreeStyle strokes and maneuvers. The beginner and experienced paddler alike will find this instructional Video an excellent and continuing resource for developing and using FreeStyle skills.
Originally produced in 1994 and out of print for some years, this Video remains the single most comprehensive and informative overview of FreeStyle technique extant from which any single-blade paddler will greatly benefit – no matter what kind of paddling you like to do.
Topics range from the most basic – the parts of the boat and paddle, lifting/carrying canoes solo, entering a canoe – to braces, sideslips, and the very useful Palm Roll – to advanced maneuvers and linkages in all four quadrants – forward/cross-forward/reverse/ and cross-reverse.
Please use this button to check out the Table of Contents for this Video: Table Of Contents It gives a detailed synopsis of the wide coverage of Freestyle Canoeing topics included, and which instructors are demonstrating those topics.
The video is available as a digital download, for a $15 donation to to FreeStyle Canoeing.
To request a copy, use the button here: Video Request
All proceeds benefit FreeStyle Canoeing
Photos courtesy of the Wisconsin Canoe Heritage Museum: It’s definitely worth a visit!