
Here’s a list of events that include or feature

FreeStyle Canoe instruction and/or demonstrations: 

Main Events for 2025:

Early May,  Camping- und Ferienpark Teichmann at the Edersee in Hessen/Germany.
The annual European meeting for paddlers interested in American FreeStyle and/or Canadian Style Paddling.

Western Pennsylvania Solo Canoe Rendezvous
The 2025 Rendezvous will be held MAY 30 – June 1 (note date change!!!), at Cooper’s Lake Campground, Slippery Rock, PA
A very informal gathering of (primarily) solo canoeists, as well as manufacturers & vendors of solo canoes & paddling equipment.  Tandems canoes and paddlers are welcome.  A very fine affair, indeed!

Wisconsin Canoe Symposium
We’re looking forward to June 13 – 15, 2025, Pine Lake Camp, Westfield, WI
 Tune-up Your Paddling at The First Canoe Symposium of the Season!

Adirondack Canoe Symposium
We’re looking forward to July 17-20, 2025, Paul Smith’s College, Paul Smith’s, NY.
Traditional Canoeing in Traditional Canoe Country

The next Solo FreeStyle Canoe Clinic  will be Aug. 9th, 2025, 8:30AM – 3:30PM, at Lake Atwood, The Hollows Conservation Area, Cary IL.  Take your solo canoe skills to a new level!  For people who can make their solo canoe go straight, and want to learn more…  

Midwest Canoe Symposium
September 4-7,  BSA Camp Butler, Peninsula, OH
Our Premier Event of the year, which includes the National Interpretive FreeStyle Canoe Exhibition!

Canadian Style Paddling Rendezvous 2025, September 25-28.   A friendly weekend of paddling without the stress of a course or clinic. Share, play, learn!  Slalom/English gate challenges; Funny, fun challenges (Rules? What rules?); Follow the leader manoeuvres; Building the world’s longest canoe-pivot lines; Canoe dance: demos, small-group practices, & all-canoe dance with an expert caller; Informal paddles and workshops on-water and off. Late-breaking news: Join the crew of two matching Voyageur canoes for double-big CSP!  At Pine Lake Conservation Area  Ayr, Ontario (halfway between Toronto and London, ON).  More details, email Gordon: or Lee (  FreeStyle paddlers welcome!

Pine Barrens Functional FreeStyle Workshop
October 10-12, Camp Ockanickon, Medford, NJ
Apply FreeStyle Techniques on a moving, but not technical river…  You’ll learn to love your canoe!


Watch this space for more events as they pop up!  Join us at an event near you, or, like many, you’ll find it’s worth the road trip! 

We’ll look forward to seeing you there!